Alexandra di Maggio

Alexandra di Maggio

Lawyer / Industrial Property Attorney

Legal Officer

Alexandra di Maggio

Legal Officer

Lawyer / Industrial Property Attorney

Cluster(s) :

IP-IT / Media, HubMarques

Skill(s) :

Intellectual Property, Tech / DATA

Sector(s) :

Food & Beverage, Design, Luxury & Fashion, Tech / E-Commerce / Internet

Language(s) :

French, English, Italian, German

Training :

- Qualified in industrial property before INPI and EUIPO (Conseil en propriété industrielle 2007)

- M2 Agreements and Industrial Property, Université de Strasbourg Robert Schuman- CEIPI (1999)

- Master of Civil Law, University of Grenoble II Pierre Mendès France

- Master's degree in European and comparative law, Erasmus Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau (FRG)

Publication(s) :
Award(s) :
Association(s) :


- MARQUES (Chairman of the Comité Concurrence Déloyale)  


– MARQUES ( Présidente du Comité Concurrence Déloyale)  

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