Laurent Carrié

Laurent Carrié

Co-Managing Partner


Laurent Carrié


Co-Managing Partner

Laurent Carrié joined Deprez Guignot Associés in 1997. He became a partner in 2000.

He is the head of the Labour Law department, whose activities in labour law (individual and collective relations) and social security law (URSSAF controls) are organised around advice, settlement and litigation. He is also a mediator in employment law.

Appointed managing partner alongside Vincent Fauchoux in 2014, together they actively participate in the management of the firm, its transformation and its adaptation to the changing legal market.

It represents French and foreign companies and groups mainly in the audiovisual, entertainment, luxury, fashion, digital, engineering and freelance services sectors, as well as start-ups in the fields of blockchain, artificial intelligence, biotechnologies and data.

He also advises employers' organisations and professional associations and provides support to managers.

His practice is strongly oriented towards the protection and management of personal data in the field of human resources.

He co-founded in 2015 in London the production company Colbert Entertainment which produced the musical "The Braille Legacy" at the Charing Cross Theatre in 2017 and in France the company BlockchainYourIp specialised in the protection of intangible assets (intellectual property, trade secrets etc).

Cluster(s) :

Labour Law

Skill(s) :

Labour Law, Personal data law, Media & Advertising law

Sector(s) :

Design, Publishing, Industry, Luxury & Fashion, Media, Freelancing, Advertising, Health & Biotechnology, Tech / E-commerce / Internet, Wine & Spirits

Language(s) :

French, English

Training :

- DEA in economic law
- Certificate of specialisation in DPO (CNAM)

Publication(s) :

– L'influenceur et son influence commerciale depuis la loi du 9 juin 2023, sept. 2023, Légipresse n°417, Dalloz

– L’influenceur, mise à jour au 30 avril 2022, Jurisclasseur Communication, Fasc. 322, LexisNexis

– Contrats d’image de personnes, mise à jour au 30 avril 2022, Jurisclasseur Communication, Fasc. 320, LexisNexis

En questions : plateforme numérique de travail : la voie du portage salarial, La Semaine Juridique – Édition Sociale n°3°634, 27 juillet 2021

Enfant influenceur : le contrôle parental sous contrôle de l’administration, du juge, des plateformes de partage de vidéos, du CSA… et de l’enfant, décembre 2020, Légipresse (Dalloz)

L’influenceur digital (Définition - Obligations - Statuts), février 2019, Légipresse (Dalloz)

Contrats d’image de personnes, 1 sept. 2018, Jurisclasseur Communication, Fasc. 320, LexisNexis

Le portage salarial définitivement sécurisé, Ordonnance n°2015-380 du 2 avril 2015, 26 mai 2015, Étude/Doctrine – La Semaine Juridique – Édition Sociale, n°21

Rémunération de l’image des mannequins : rétribution du travail et/ou exploitation de la notoriété ?, 1 janv. 2014, La Semaine Juridique – Édition Social, n°6, Communication Commerce Electronique, n°1

Award(s) :
Association(s) :
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