
Tech / E-commerce / Internet

Tech / E-commerce / Internet

DDG has been particularly active for more than 20 years in the Tech / E-commerce / Internet sector. We represent and advise companies of all sizes in their digital activities and in particular their digital transformation.

Litigation :

  • ‍‍Internetpress litigation, right to be forgotten, removal of illicit content, e-reputation
  • Counterfeiting on the Internet: monitoring, pre-litigation withdrawals and litigation
  • Commercial disputes on the Internet

Advice :

  • ‍‍Sitecompliance audit: legal notices, data regulations and cookies
  • Validation of site content, tree structure and payment methods

Contracts :

  • ‍‍Design, production, maintenance and hosting of websites
  • BtoC contracts: general terms and conditions of use, general terms and conditions of sale, privacy policies
  • BtoB contracts: online distribution contracts, including selective distribution, market place. e-procurement platform, with examination of competition law constraints. Outsourcing contracts, content hosting, OTT platforms. Payment contracts / Online evidence agreements, electronic signatures.

We integrate the international dimension of our clients' projects by ensuring compliance with applicable laws.

Pierre Deprez, Vincent Fauchoux and Frédéric Dumont are co-authors of "Droit de l'internet", 3rd edition, Litec.

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